
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

It will be some changes from this blog

Hi Everyone,

I have a quick announcement for those of you who get my blog posts in your email.  As you may have heard, Feedburner, the service that previously allowed you to subscribe and receive posts in your inbox, is closing down soon.   I finally found one service that allows me to roll all my followers over, hopefully, with minimal interruptions.

The new service is called follow.it and you don't have to do anything.   There might be a few glitches here and there which I hope to avoid.  You might get a few duplicate emails, I hope you will hang in there with me.  

If you have not previously subscribed by email and you think that sounds like a good idea, there is a new widget on the right side bar to enter you email address and begin receiving blog posts!

Blogging has become a way for me to document my work and to get out from under a rock and reach out to the world.  Along the way I have met many wonderful people and treasure your friendships.  I appreciate all my readers and thank you for reaching out to me in return. 

Have a fantastic day!!!






Monday, June 14, 2021

June OMG Finished

This past week, I played around with Latifah Saafir's Molehills pattern.  In the package, there is a template for a full fan pattern along with strip templates.  Since I'm using flannel for this baby quilt, I've opted for a full fan pattern.

I proceeded to print out the template sheets and followed the instructions to put them together.  The template came out so big but I pushed along and cut out the required pieces (12) for a baby quilt.  I tentatively put them together to see how they would look on a quilt.  I felt that the fans are too big for the size that I'm making which is 36"x42".  I went back to the templates, printed them out at 75% and put them together.  This time the size of the fan are more manageable.  I cut out 13 fan pieces and put them on design wall.  I really like it better this time around.

12 fans line up nicely

Quilt layout


I'm glad I made more progress than I was planing for.  That means there's only one thing left to do; quilting it.

Summer came early in Southern Cal this year.  We were in high 90's in the past couple weeks.  I feel so sorry for my vegetable garden.  This year I have more energy so I planted quite a few kinds.  There are corns, kale, spinach, swiss chard besides the old favorites of tomatoes, beans and cucumbers.   I'm doing a no-dig vegetable garden.  We'll see how it grows.  Cross my fingers!!

I am also experimenting with a propagation of Mulberry from a stem cutting from our neighbor's tree.  It is a Pakistani mulberry which has much bigger fruits and they taste amazing.  I used only a handful to make a mulberry syrup and had it with pancakes.  They are heavenly!!  I hope the propagation is a success.  

Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

June OMG

 Hi Everyone,

It's the beginning of June and it's time to set a new goal.  Yesterday I attended our monthly guild meeting through Zoom.  I saw a Molehills quilt that one of our member made and it inspired me to look into the Molehills pattern that I bought sometimes ago.  One of our friends just had a baby girl and I want to make something for her.  Here's the pieces that I printed out.


I'm terrible in following a pattern.  My goal for June is to look at the Molehills pattern and make templates for cutting.  At least I will cut out all the fabric pieces for a baby quilt top.  Let's see how far along I'll get on this project.

Go to Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal June Link-up  to see other fun goals for June.


Thanks for visiting and have a great day!