
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

It's a celebration and giveaway!!

The secret is out. I wrote a quilting book called 'Soft & Cozy Keepsakes - Faux Rag Quilting', and it's available right now. You can purchase it on websites such as AQS, Amazon, Walmart, Target, Unitednotions (Moda Fabric's company), Checkerdist, and Brewer Sewing. 

In the past 18 months, I designed and made 12 quilts, 6 craft items and wrote detail instructions for the book, but couldn't share with anyone until now. This book will show you how to make unique rag quilts and craft projects using Faux Rag Quilting technique.  All the rag quilts in this book are nothing like you have seen or made before. Here are some pictures of the quilts and craft projects from the book.

I hope this book will be on the shelves of shops near you very soon, if not already.  This book is for someone who has little time to sew and need a quick unique quilt to gift to someone or for yourself. I hope this book will be a good resource for your inspirations. We all know that rag quilts are fast to make. They are soft, snugly and comfy to have wrapped around you. The Faux Rag quilting technique will speed up the process even more.

I already have one speaking engagement on April 25th at the Valley Modern Quilt Guild. This will be my first public speaking related to quilt making. I'm so looking forward to it.

To celebrate the release of my book, I have some great giveaway prizes from companies such as Fat Quarter Shop, Aurifil and Maywood Studio. They were very generous in giving when I approached them a few months ago. The Aurifil and Maywood Studio were big supporters of my book from the start. Due to shipping costs, I am limiting the prizes to be shipped within the US. only. The book promotion will be from April 20-30. All you need to do is leave a comment during that time and your name will be entered into a random drawing. One entry per person, please. If you leave more than one comment, your name will be entered only once. I'll pick a winner at 11 pm. on April 30th PST, ( the giveaway is now closed ) and will post it on my blog on May 2nd.

One lucky winner will receive all these prizes.
From Fat Quarter shop: 

  1 Non-slip Stripology Ruler 15"x21"
  1 Olfa Splash 45 mm Rotary cutter

  1 Bag of Jumbo Wonder Clips 
  1 Sew Purrfect Flannel fat-quarter bundle by Bonnie Sullivan
  1 Merry Santa Claus fat-quarter bundle by Tom Browning

From Maywood Studio:
  1 Flower Patch Flannel fat-quarter bundle by Bonnie Sullivan
  1 Pearl Essence Colors fat-quarter bundle by Maywood Studio

From Aurifil:
  1 box of Classic Collection thread

And from me:

  1 copy of Soft & Cozy Keepsakes - Faux Rag Quilting

These are wonderful quilters/bloggers who volunteered to review my book. 

Julie Cefalu at thecraftyquilter.com
Stephanie Palmer at latenightquilter.com

Amy Smart at diaryofaquilter.com
Julie Stocker at pinkdoxies.com

If you visit these blogs during the giveaway time, you will be able to read their review of my book. I hope you visit them all and come back here to leave a comment to let me know what you think. I'm super excited and can't wait to see their blogs. I'm grateful that they took time from their busy schedule to do this for me.

Because of all these activities about the book and recuperating from the surgery, I haven't sewn much lately. But I do have some new ideas in mind and will share with everyone soon.

2016 will be a year for taking it easy, doctors' orders, but also an exciting year.

Love life, embrace the challenges and give back!


  1. Let me be the first to congratulate you on your book release, Margo! I enjoyed my adventure going through the projects in your book, and using your technique to make my first faux rag quilt. Yes, as promised, it was quick--completely made in just one afternoon, and is indeed a warm and cuddly addition to my quilt collection.


  2. Let me be the first to congratulate you on your book release, Margo! I enjoyed my adventure going through the projects in your book, and using your technique to make my first faux rag quilt. Yes, as promised, it was quick--completely made in just one afternoon, and is indeed a warm and cuddly addition to my quilt collection.


  3. Stopping by from Julie's post....congrats on your book release! Your technique looks fun and cozy. Thanks for the chance to win such generous prizes!! vreynolds@gmail.com/myplvl.blogspot.com
    (PS...I'm your newest follower...happy to find your blog and book!)

  4. i would love to try my hand at this technique. love the whales and stocking.

  5. That whale is so cute. I think it will be my next baby quilt. You are right, I've never seen something like this before. kthurn(at)bektel(dot)com

  6. would love to win, thanks for the chance, love your projects

  7. I've made lots of rag quilts and look forward to trying your technique. Thanks for the chance. I follow Julie's Pink Doxies blog and came over to see yours. Her review was very intriguing and I really liked her faux rag quilt project. Congrats on your new book.

  8. Congratulations on your book release. I hope you do well.

  9. Congrats! Thanks for a generous giveaway. Gretahoneycutt (at) gmail (dot) com

  10. Congratulations, this looks like some fun new things for me to try out. Jmikebalou(at) aol dot com

  11. Congrats on your book. I have only made one rag quilt, nothing as great as what I see in your book. I am looking forward to giving your technique a try.

  12. How exciting for you! I hope your book does well! What's exciting for me? ... this give-away! It is awesome! Thanks for sharing it. :)

  13. Super excited for you Margo! The class I took on your faux rag quilt inspired me, a non-sewer, and took me on a journey of creativity that keeps expanding. Thank you for your inspiration!

  14. Your book looks so inspirational! I can't wait to see it. I just love the giveaway...such a varied and incredibly generous bundle! Thanks for the chance to win this incredible giveaway!

  15. Congratulations on your book. The designs look so bright and colorful and fun to make! Thanks for hosting this giveaway...in celebration of your success.

  16. That's awesome you have a new book coming out. Oh, and thank you for the chance to win such great prizes!
    sewfabrics at outlook.com

  17. The quilting community is pretty amazing. Your sponsors have showcased your book beautifully. I love having quick projects in between large quilts. Your book fills the bill, we need more like this, I hope you stay inspired, everything I have seen so far looks lovely. Thank you for passing along the inspiration and the generous giveaway. janie(dot)mccombs(at)yahoo(dot)com

  18. Congratulations on the book! May you have a speedy recover. My daughter would love this book. She is very much into the rag quilts, but doesn't really have the time for them. Your book sounds like it would make a perfect gift for her. Have a truly splendid day ;-)

    GET WELL SOON! THANKS FOR SHARING! msstitcher1214@gmail.com

  20. Congratulations on your book!! So exciting.

    dlatany at gmail dot com

  21. Congratulations, what a fantastic achievement x
    Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com

  22. Congratulations on your Book! How exciting! Love the Quilts you shared here..specially the Whales (they did our Grandbaby's room in whales & nautical stuff! This would be fun to surprise them with!) Praying for you to be all back to bein' busy again! Listen to the Doctor's :)

    Thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way too! :D

  23. Way to go! Thanks for the chance--this would be so fun!

  24. Congratulations! Looks like a fun technique to try! The examples are great. Take care. jarvenpa1ne(at)gmail(dot)com

  25. Congrats on your book! It looks to be lots of fun! I hope that your healing is going well too.

    debbygrawn at yahoo dot com

  26. Congratulations! I have never made a quilt or project with flannel it would be fun to learn and from reading Julie's review it is pretty easy too! Big bonus! :)

  27. Congrats on the book! What a wonderful achievement.

  28. Congratulations on your book Margo! I love the look of these projects, and I love the texture of rag quilts. What wonderful fun! Thanks for sharing your creativity and for this great giveaway!

  29. Congratulations on the book! I love the Christmas pillow!

  30. Congratulations! How exciting! I can only imagine. I just dabble in pattern design, when I can't find what I'm looking for.

  31. After seeing Julie's review I am very excited about the different possibilities your book provides those of us who like rag quilting or for anyone who has never been exposed to this creative process.

  32. Congrats on your new book! I hope you feel better, from your surgery soon. Does responding on this post count towards the giveaway? Hope so. Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist (at) aol.com

  33. Your book sounds so interesting. I would love to explre it further.
    Shelia stitchedfromtheheart@yahoo.com

  34. Whoa, congratulations on your new book! Hope it does very well. Thanks for the chance to win such generous prizes.

  35. Congratulations on your book. How exciting! I Checked out the blogs. Looks like fun! Thank you!

  36. That is so exciting! Congratulations on your book and on your first speaking engagement! These projects look like a lot of fun. Thanks for the chance to win! sarah123quilt AT gmail (dot) com.

  37. Congratulations on your lovely book! I'm so glad to see that rag quilting has been freshened and given a new life! It has always been a favorite. I can see some of your projects in my future!

  38. Looks like there are some really cute projects in your book--I love the whales!
    Congratulations on your book and thanks for the give away!

  39. Congrats to you - what an accomplishment!

  40. Great technique you've come up with. Congrats on the book and I'd love to win one.

  41. How exciting! Congratulations on your book! I read about it on Julie Cefalu's blog page. Thank you for a chance to win some great give away items. Looking forward to trying your technique. :o)

  42. I love this idea! Your projects look like a lot of fun and I can't wait to try a few. Great job on the book!

  43. Your book really looks like fun~ I really love the flowers how they bloom. Thanks for the wonderful give away. I came from Julie' site. Thanks again

  44. Congratulations on your book. I love the fresh look to an "tried and true" technique. I think the book will be very inspiring and the projects look do-able in a weekend. Thanks for sharing! maryc76904 at yahoo dot com.

  45. Your book looks wonderful and I just visited Julie's blog and love her pillow! Congrats on the book and I would love to win some goodies!

  46. Congratulations on your book, is very interesting.
    Greetings from Madrid, Spain

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Congratulations! What a milestone for you! The projects are absolutely adorable and fun. I'll be sure to read the reviews and visit Amazon! Ideas are often hard to come by so this book is sure to inspire. I wish you great success with your book! Thanks for the opportunity to be in the drawing. Susan W

  49. Julie Cefalu sent me to your site. This looks like a wonderful book. I like the idea of providing tactile dimension.


  50. Congrats on your book….what fun projects!!! Thanks for the sweet giveaway :o)

  51. I've never made a rag quilt before but just love all those ideas! Would be perfect gifts for little ones. I am very excited about this book, and thanks for the giveaway chance!

  52. Wow, what a birthday gift this will be, going for the positive thinking and a prayer. 8-)
    no fooling this is a great give a way. The only thing bad about it is I have to wait until the 2nd to see if I have to buy the book or not. I will have it one way or the other. Congratulations of the publishing of your book. Thank you for the opportunity to the great win.

  53. Sorry, I forgot to mention I found you through Julie Cefalu's blog The Crafty Quilter. I'm following thru Bloglovin

  54. What a wonderful accomplishment !! Looking forward to new projects

  55. It looks like you have come up with a great way to add texture to all kinds of fun projects. Thanks for the chance to win.

  56. Looks like a fun book and a fabulous give away. Thank you.

  57. Cannot wait to look through your book!

  58. This looks like such a fun technique! I really love Julie from Crafty Quilter's monogram pillow- it would look so cute on my little girl's bed!

  59. Yes, congratulations on having a book published. This must feel amazing. Loving the look of the projects in this book. Look forward to having a copy "in hand".

  60. Congratulations on release of your book. 24Tangent@gmail.com

  61. WOW... what a great idea you have!!! it's such a creative touch to the sewing/quilting world. i've always been interested in the rag rug concept and this looks to be a great extension of that.
    THNX for the giveaway!!

  62. Wow some of the ideas look like such fun. Thanks for the chance to win.

  63. Congrats on your new book! The pillow is so cute.

  64. Through Julie Cefalu's blog, I was introduced to you and your clever book. I've made several traditional rag quilts so this book intrigues me. Julie's pillow and that cute whale are adorable!

  65. What a clever technique you have developed. I saw Julie Cefalu's blog post and was immediately intrigued. I wish you success with your great book!

  66. Congratulations on your new book! The flower quilt and the whale quilt are absolutely adorable. Loving your rag quilt technique. The options are endless with what can be made using this technique. I found you by reading Julie Cefalu's blog, The Crafty Quilter. Wishing you a speedy recovery from your surgery.

  67. Congrats to you on the release of your book! The giveaway is awesome. Thanks for the chance to win.

  68. Congratulations, a great accomplishment for sure. Go slow with your recovery. Jmikebalou(at) aol (dot) com

  69. Congrats on your book - can't wait to try a few of the projects. And great prizes in the giveaway!

  70. Wow!!! Congratulations on your new book! I'd love to try your new technique for rag quilts ... they come out so cute! How wonderful that your vendors have been so supportive about your book ... we all love to win goodies. Thanks for the opportunity enter this drawing!
    Laura Lynch

  71. Your book looks wonderful. Congratulations to you.... Thanks for the chance to win

  72. Your book looks like such fun! I love the chenille flowers! HOpe you are recovering quickly and smoothly!

  73. Wow, what an amazing giveaway! If I won, I would definitely share the wealth with my quilting buddies. I have always loved chenille bedspreads (and bathrobes!), and I love the idea of creating the look myself! I'm really excited about your book!

  74. Looks very interesting. Congratulations on your book.

  75. Congratulations on your new book! What a generous giveaway ...there is plenty to share with my fellow crafters!

  76. Congratulations! Your quilts are darling!

  77. Congrats on writing a book, that is no small undertaking! I would love to win your giveaway and provide a nice home for all that great stuff!

  78. Thank you for the opportunity to win all of these cool things. I love the letter L pillow that Julie from the Crafty Quilter made.

  79. I've been reading the book reviews and the projects look really cute. Thanks for sharing and for the chance in the wonderful giveaway!

  80. congratulations on your book and the opportunity to win such a great prize.

  81. I would love to win this wonderful prize thanks!

  82. Congrats on your book. Lovely accomplishment.

  83. You must be so thrilled! I can only imagine the work that goes into writing and creating a book. I look forward to getting my hands on this! Hopefully, you will jump back into the process and write several more. Yeah! duchick at gmail dot com

  84. Congratulations! What a huge endeavor it must be to create the products, write the patterns and put it all together into a book. You've created something new and fresh for quilters and stitchers everywhere. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking the time to comment. I enjoy reading each and every one and will respond with an email. If you don't get an email response, it's probably because you're a "no reply blogger" and I have no way to contact you! If you don't hear from me, check back at the original blog post for my reply.