
Monday, July 15, 2024

Work in Progress in July

It sure feels like summer here in Southern California.  The heat is so intense that I only want to go into my garden in the early morning hours.  I get to spend a few hours in the morning to do what I need to do to take care of the vegetables and flowers so that they can survive the heat during the day.  

The top and pieced back for the second denim quilt are done.  I will baste it and start quilting this week.   Here what they look like.



When I showed the top to my DH, he said the word Off Kilter.  After checking the meaning, I said I liked it.  So it's the name of this quilt.  I also pieced the back to continue the idea of out of balance.  Now quilting it is the next challenge, I love it.

The tulip quilt for a baby girl is also basted and ready to be quilted.  I'll take my time on this one because I already knew how I'm going to quilt it.   Everything is going according to schedule, it seems.  

I already have a project line up for next month and it has to be done before our road trip to Idaho Falls at the end of the month.  A few months ago a quilt designer named Monika Henry of Penny Spool Quilts asked if anyone wanted to use her Modern Quilter's Alphabet pattern to make a project and posted on our social media channels.  I said yes to her and here I am.  I've never made an alphabet quilt and I think it'll be fun.

Stay cool and stay hydrated my dear quilty friends. 

Thank you for visiting.  Happy sewing and creating!!


 In addition to the linky parties on the sidebar, I also link up to:

To Do Tuesday  hosted by Carol at Quilt Schmilt 

Put Your Foot Down at For the Love of Geese  (Thursday)

Brag About Your Beauties at From Bolt to Beauty

Peacock Party at Wendy’s Quilts and More  (Friday)