
Friday, June 26, 2020

A New Baby quilt

Hi Everyone,

I set out to do the quilting of this baby quilt for the OMG for June and I did it.  Originally, I thought circular quilting would be perfect for this quilt.  As much as I like the circular quilting, I wanted to do something different for this one.

What I'm really excited to share today is this tool that helped me do it.  I have an iPad and have been using the photo editing program for most of my photos for my blog.  In the photo editing program, there is a function called Markup which allows you to add text and do some doodling to the photo.  I have found it to be very useful to help me decide on how I want to quilt this quilt.  Let's look at the following pictures.

I thoroughly enjoy the process of quilt making.  Sometimes I find myself stuck on how to quilt the tops that I made.  In the past I would insert the quilt photo to a word document and print it out on paper.  Then I would use pencil to draw the quilting design to help me make a decision.  Using the photo editing program on the iPad simplifies things for me.  I was able to doodle with my finger how I wanted to do the quilting.  It's not perfect but it really helped me to visualize the quilting design.  As you can see, I decided to go with the design in the first photo. 

Now that the quilting is done, tomorrow is the day for binding.  If this is new to you as it's to me, I hope this info. will help you.

Happy Quilting!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

New Project Fabric Pull

Good morning everyone,

I hope you're well and healthy.  We're hanging in here and trying to enjoy everyday as it comes.  My husband is still working from home and I am still trying to work on new quilt designs. 

Today, I'm pulling some fabric out for a new idea that I have in my head.  I noticed that I haven't worked with blue and pink fabric much so I'm pulling these out to see what I can do with them.

Sometimes I get stuck using the same colors that I like and don't use much of the other colors.  Do you have the same experience?  I may add some more colors as the design evolves as I go along.

I can't believe June is almost over.  I'll work on this new quilt top in July but right now I have to go back to finishing the goals for June.

Be positive and press on, even though things around you are not as pleasant as you want them to be.  I believe that we're in control of our own happiness.

Be calm and quilt on.......

New: Today I link with Quilting Patchwork Applique.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

A New Goal for June

Hi Everyone,

It's June!!  It's hard to believe that it's the middle of 2020.  It's time to set a new goal for OMG challenge for June.  

It has been about 3 months now that we have had a stay at home order.  My husband still works from home and I really like that.  We've extended our walk to 3 - 5 miles a day.  We really enjoy walking and seeing beautiful flowers around our neighborhood. 

My goal for June; I will quilt this baby quilt. 

 Stay healthy and safe everyone.