
Monday, May 23, 2022

OMG for May is finished

The OMG for May is to make 2 baby quilts for the Hands2Help project and I'm very happy to say that I'm done with them.  Here are the pictures.



I had a little problem with the dark red/blue fabric.  Even though I washed them with color catchers, the colors ran and stained the white noodles with red.  I was worried and took a break to think how I would solve the problem.  Two days later, I came up with an idea; I misted the area with water and used Q-tips dipped in diluted bleach+water to clean it up.  Then I rewashed them and the red is gone from the white noodles!  Phew... 

The design is based on the pattern called 'Noodles' from Leanne Parsons at DevotedQuilter.com, (non affiliate link).  I think they came out really cute.

I also finished a purse for the Sewpowerful.org which is a global movement to keep girls in school all month and equip African women with good paying jobs.


The purse is really fun to make.  I think I'll  make a few more for them.


 Thanks for stopping by and have a great sewing week!



Monday, May 9, 2022

Charity Quilt for the VMQG

 Last month our Valley MQG had our in-person meeting for the very first time since the pandemic started.  We had a great time seeing each other's faces again after being apart for over 2 years, isolated and through zoom meetings.  Seeing friends and family members without any face covering is really refreshing.  I was happy to be amongst quilty friends once again. 


Anyway, I volunteered to make a quilt top for the Philanthropy group.  This is what I got from the lady in-charge.


The instructions said no pattern, improvisational, make as large as possible.  Alright, this is just the kind of project I like.  I saw that there is a block made already.  The fabric is really cute.

I also volunteered to make this cross body bag for the organization called 'Sewpowerful.org'.  They help girls get feminine hygiene supplies to stay in school all month saving them six weeks of school on average.  They also support seamstresses in Lusaka Zambia with training and good paying jobs.


Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!


Monday, May 2, 2022

WIP for the week of 5-2-22

In the past few weeks, I put sewing aside and worked in the garden instead.  We live in a desert-like area so the growing season for cool season vegetable is short.  I bought a lot of seed packets for lettuce, sweet peas, bokchoy, and spinach.  I started the seeds during late winter and early spring and they were doing great.  I patted myself on the back and watched over them like a hawk.  Three weeks ago, we had a random heat wave.  I had to say goodbye to bokchoy because they bolted and set flowers while they were only 3-4 inches high.  Off they went to the compost pile.  The sweet peas are hanging in there, now they have a few flowers.  I'm hopeful, I may have a few pods.  The spinach never came up so I moved on to other vegetables.

Every year I struggle with trying to grow my vegetables.  I love the idea of growing my own fruits and vegetables.  We don't have a big yard so we don't have many fruit trees.  We have a fig tree (volunteer) and a Pakistani mulberry tree in pots.   I propagated the Pakistani mulberry from stem cuttings last year.  I gave away two to my neighbors.  I have two left and one is doing well, so far so good.  I even have 2 mulberries on it.  :-))

The fun time in the garden had to end for now, and sewing has just begun.  I started baby quilts for the 2022 Hands2Help again this year.  I'm working on two baby quilts for an organization called the Little Lambs Foundation for Kids.




I'm using a pattern called Noodles from Leanne Parsons at DevotedQuilter.com that I bought last year.  You can find the pattern here (non-affiliate link).  I think it's really cute and would like to use her idea for these two baby quilts.

This is my goal for the month of May.   I'm linking to the OMG at Elmstreetquilts.com


Thanks for stopping by, have a great week.

