
Sunday, January 3, 2021

January OMG


 Hello everyone,

I'm so glad that Patty Dudek is hosting One Monthly Goal again this year.  I had a great time playing along last year and I'll do the same this year.  Thank you Patty!!

It’s time to set a goal for January.  

In 2016, our ValleyMQG had a challenge called ‘Face You Fear’.  For some, fear might be curve piecing, and whatever it was, we were supposed to make a mini quilt to demonstrate our fear.  This is what I made and you can read about it here.

I’m not a fan of this creature, 😫😯😵, that’s why I made this piece.  It's been tucked away in a pile of scraps of all this time because I didn't want to see it.  I have a dear friend who absolutely loves this kind of creature and she wants to buy it from me.  For this month's OMG, I will quilt this piece and give it to her as a gift.  I just want it out of here.   😆


Happy New Year and Happy Sewing.......


  1. I don't like those either. Get it out of your house.

  2. Oh, but it's cool! And you did a nice job! (Glad it will go to someone who will like it!)

  3. Pretty "creature"! This thing that you can't say the name is very beautiful, in your quilt, as I don't really like snakes either ;))

  4. I've been going to join in with OMG for a while, but alas other things seem to happen, so just maybe it will be this year. Ooh.....snakes, not my favourite either & I've had a few encounters here in Oz, as we do have a lot, but I let them slither away. Take care and stay safe.


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