
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Work in Progress in September 2024

It's time to get back to quilting.  We had a two-week vacation in the beautiful Idaho Falls.  The weather was perfect and we heard we missed the heat wave of 118 degrees in the So. Cal.  We drove a little over 2,000 miles for the whole trip!  It's so nice and wonderful that we didn't have to worry about time and schedule.  We stopped when we wanted to, ate at new places along the way; some were good but some we wouldn't go back again. lol

On the way back we drove through Utah and Las Vegas, visited some friends along the way and had a marvelous time at every stop.   It was warmer in Utah than Idaho but it was as lovely.   My DH said that in this trip, we probably did more talking than we used to.  Some friends we have not seen them for a few years so we had so much to catch up. 

 Now it's time to quilt this baby quilt.  



I am also in the planning for the third denim quilt.  While I was on the trip, the idea came to me that I really like and can't wait to make it reality.  This one will have multiple colors of denim, including black.  Ooh, I'm excited.


Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.



In addition to the linky parties on the sidebar, I also link up to:

To Do Tuesday  hosted by Carol at Quilt Schmilt 

Put Your Foot Down at For the Love of Geese  (Thursday)

Peacock Party at Wendy’s Quilts and More  (Friday)

Brag About Your Beauties at From Bolt to Beauty




  1. Glad to read you had a great trip and some relaxing time. Pretty baby quilt, and yay on the excitement for the new denim quilt!

  2. Sounds like a very fun and relaxing vacation. The baby quilt is really cute. Happy stitching!

  3. So lovely to hear you've got your sewing mojo back! This baby quilt is so pretty. Can't wait to see your new denim quilt come to life! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.


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