
Friday, March 3, 2023

WIP For The Week of 2/27/23 - 3/3/23

I continue the work on the baby quilt.  The top is done, next is quilting it.  Right now it is 42" x 54.5".  Here is the picture.


It's hard to believe that we're in March of 2023 already!  I just realized that I haven't linked in with the OMG at all this year.  Well, it starts this month, my goal for March is to finish quilting and binding this baby quilt. 

Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!!


I link up to To Do Tuesday hosted by Quilt Schmilt


  1. such a fun way to make a baby quilt - I really like it

  2. This is so beautiful. Your work is so inspiring!

  3. Hi Margo! What a gorgeous baby quilt!

  4. Such a bright baby quilt! Love the movement the circular piecing gives it. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell linkup, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  5. Margo this baby quilt is simply beautiful. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday.

  6. What a beautiful baby quilt! Your curves are just prefect, and I love the composition. Have fun quilting it!
    Thank you for sharing your goal for the month, and linking up.

  7. What a cool baby quilt! Lucky baby who will receive it. It can be hung as a work of art when they outgrow sleeping with it.

  8. Oh, I like these curves. I can’t wait to see how you quilt it.


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