
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Took time off from sewing to organize my stash

I have been wanting to reorganize my fabric stash, but couldn't decide on how I wanted to do it.  I've heard about comic book boards, but I chose not to use them.  I want to use what I have without buying any more stuff.   I tried to fold my fabric and store them by color, but my shelves looked messy because my fabric bundles were in different width.  So I decided to use a 6" x 24" ruler to fold all fabric that is more than 1/2 yard.  Any piece that's less than 1/2 yard, goes to scrap bin.  By using the ruler, I will get them all in uniform 6" wide.

Majority of my stash is flannels and they take a lot of room on the shelves.  They are stacked up all the way to the ceiling.  The bungee cords are there to stop them from falling down in case of an earthquake.  I somewhat had them by color but they were all over the place.  Not only it was a hassle to get the piece that I wanted out, it was more hassle to put it back where it belonged.  So I tackled them first.  I took down one section of the shelves and started folding, then I remembered the camera.  Hence the empty spot on the shelf.  Here is the before picture.

This is how I fold the fabric: 

1. Put the fabric on a table with the salvage on my right and the folded edge on the left.  Place the ruler across the fabric as in the picture.

2. Fold the end over the ruler and continue to fold until I reach the other end of the piece.

3. Slide the ruler off the fabric and fold it in half along the long side.  Check out the stack in the top right corner of the picture.

 Here is the after picture.

It looks much better, I think.  Now I can clearly see the color of each bundle.  I still have the top shelves to take care of, but I'm happy with the result so far.  Now I can fit most of my flannels in one shelf and the quilting cotton in the other.  In the process, I found a lot of fabric that I bought long, long time ago before I knew anything about quilting cotton.  I'm deciding whether I should donate them, or try to find a way to use them.  I'm leaning toward the first choice just because I'm trying to minimize the clutter.

How do you organize your stash and your sewing room?  Do you keep all your fabric, even the one that you don't care for any more?

Stay cool and have a blessed week!


  1. That's an amazing stash! I have to admit I raised my eyebrows...earthquakes?!?! Eeek! We don't get them here in the UK and the thought of them is terrifying! It's probably more useful to make sure your stash is well above ground level here as we're more likely to suffer flooding!

    1. I don't know which one I would prefer if I had a choice. Since I'm not a very good swimmer, I'd rather not go near any water. We dealt with earthquakes before but not flood. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great sewing day!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your arrangement looks wonderfully inviting. It's nice to be able to see everything instead of having to dig deep to find fabrics.

  4. I just now saw this folding technique! Wonderful! Thanks


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